Why You Should Hire Remote Java Developers

Why You Should Hire Remote Java Developers

The demand for Java developers has been quite high throughout the two decades since the inception of Java. Despite the arrival of new languages, Java has stood the test of time. A survey carried out in 2019 by Stack Overflow ranked Java fifth among the most popular technologies that developers fancy using.

Java is easy to write and easy to run, once written it could be run almost anywhere. It could be that these factors gave the gradient to the rising curve of Java users. Hence, in today’s industry, we see a lot of Java developers. Some learn Java due to the high pay while others learn it genuinely to fulfill their ardent desire. But as an employer, it is hard to separate the wheat from the chaff, unless you stick to a java recruiter.

No easier is the decision of choosing between a remote developer and an in-house developer. Although there were negative thoughts about remote working; where the employer had no real control over the employee, etc. the pandemic changed negative notions on remote working as it forced many to work from home and employers witnessed the benefits. 

Gain access to a large pool of experience 

When you go remote when hiring Java developers, the bigger the radius of your search, the better the chances of you finding a talented and experienced Java developer. It’s true that you get access to a large source of talent but recruiters can widen that search even more since they know to tap into potential Java developers who might slide through your search. 

With a bigger radius, the chances of you getting carried away are high if you do not know to play the hunting game but not so with a recruiter. A recruiter will pick a developer tailored to your requirement; be it considering where, in the development life cycle your project lies, the skills needed to develop, or any other parameter, a recruiter can hunt down an experienced campaigner, who could give you tried and tested solutions to keep the cost down, minimalize time consumption and build a better product.

Obtain access to industry-specific specializations

Java has been used to build applications for various industries. From banking, hospitality, and e-commerce to learning platforms, Java is popular for reliable and secure applications. 

As an entity looking to hire Java developers for a specific industry, going remote could help you sieve through Java developers and strain out a well-experienced developer in the specific industry you are looking for. Not by any means am I belittling the ability of a developer to adapt to a different industry, but one can’t deny the difference between an industry-specialized Java developer from a learner getting the hang of it. An industry-specialized developer knows the nitty-gritty of developing industry-specific applications whereas a developer without experience would go the extra mile only to recognize he treaded the wrong path.

It is hard for the untrained eye to spot a beginner at first sight but a Java recruiter well-versed in the field will be able to narrow down the search for you and zero in on the perfect developer for your industry. 

Reduces resource costs

If your office is based in the center of a metropolis it is quite likely that you would be spending a ransom on paying rent. In middle town, Connecticut, Health insurer Aetna saved $78 million annually by downsizing the office space in the city. Just imagine if you could invest that money in your developers by offering an increment or bonus, where would it propel the productivity of the developer.

Say you hired a professional Java recruiter to do your recruiting. Although at first, it might seem like a bit too much money, you as a company are saving. How? 

It just takes one developer to mess up the good work. If you take the hiring process into your hands without a solid understanding and hire a developer not suitable for the task, your project could be delayed and sometimes it could be damaged beyond repair but not so if you get a professional Java recruiter to do it for you.


Not every developer likes working to a roster of 9-5. Some prefer the early hours of the morning while others like to work late through the night. But whatever time they choose java developers must give an undivided concentration when solving complicated problems which some offices would not be able to afford. Hence, going remote would be the easier and more obvious thing to do if you as an entity can’t afford to give your development team a quiet work environment.

Remote working gives a developer a better work-life balance which he would not have if he was to work in-house. A better work-life balance reduces the chances of a developer getting stressed out due to work and thereby the productivity would be high. According to a survey carried out by Surepayroll 86% of remote workers hit maximum productivity and the Managers upheld it by increasing output. 

A ConnectionSolutions report found that 30% can accomplish more in less time, while 24% feel they could do more in the same amount of time. So when put into an 8-hour shift, it is evident that people could do tasks that could take 10 or more hours in an office within 8 hours working remotely. Now that’s the productivity increase that a manager can take to the bank.

Time Zones coverage 

You could use the time differences to your advantage if you have a remote team of Java developers. A support team that could solve tickets and hold-up problems in different working time zones improves user experience as the matter could be attended to immediately. With the idea of having someone working throughout the day for quick responses to issues sometimes it might be hard for you to reach out to Java developers. It may be due to the absence of their online presence but professional recruiters can help you reach out to them through their extended network and knowledge in the industry.  The knowledge and experience that recruiters have in this field will help you get the closest match to your company. Be it in terms of experience, skills, nature of work, salary, or region that you ask for they can find a candidate for your opening as they have, of course, the expertise and special assessments tailored to test the candidate.

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